Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Mastering the Present Perfect Continuous Tense

What is the Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

The present perfect continuous tense is used to indicate an action that began in the past, is ongoing in the present, and may continue into the future. This tense is formed by using “has been” or “have been” followed by the present participle of the verb (-ing form).


The structure of the present perfect continuous tense is as follows:

  • Positive: Subject + has/have + been + present participle
  • Negative: Subject + has/have + not + been + present participle
  • Question: Has/Have + subject + been + present participle?


The present perfect continuous tense is used to:

  1. Emphasize the duration of an action that began in the past and continues in the present.Example: She has been studying for two hours.
  2. Describe an action that recently stopped but may continue in the future.Example: They have been playing football all afternoon.
  3. Discuss ongoing actions that started in the past and are still happening.Example: He has been working at the company since 2010.


When identifying the present perfect continuous tense in a sentence, look for keywords like “for,” “since,” “all day,” “lately,” or “recently.”

Signal Words

Signal words that often accompany the present perfect continuous tense include: “how long,” “for,” “since,” “recently,” “lately,” and “all day.”

Practice Activities

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb:a. She _____ (wait) for the bus for thirty minutes.b. They _____ (play) basketball since 3 o’clock.c. He _____ (study) French all week.
  2. Rewrite the following sentences in the present perfect continuous tense:a. She studies for the test.
    She __________ for the test.b. They walk to school every day.
    They __________ to school every day.
  3. Create your own sentences using the present perfect continuous tense.

By mastering the present perfect continuous tense, you can effectively communicate actions that started in the past, continue in the present, and may extend into the future. Practice using this tense in your writing and conversations to enhance your English language skills.

Here are some examples of sentences using the present perfect continuous tense:

  1. She has been studying for two hours.
  2. They have been playing football all afternoon.
  3. He has been working at the company since 2010.
  4. have been waiting for the rain to stop.
  5. The children have been watching TV for hours.
  6. We have been cooking dinner since 5 p.m.
  7. The students have been practicing for the play all week.
  8. The dog has been barking loudly all morning.
  9. Sarah has been painting her room for the past few days.
  10. The company has been growing steadily over the last year.

These sentences demonstrate the use of the present perfect continuous tense to indicate actions that started in the past, continue in the present, and may carry on into the future.

Here are examples of sentences using both the present perfect continuous tense and the present perfect tense:

Present Perfect Continuous Tense:

  1. She has been studying for two hours. (Action started in the past, ongoing in the present)
  2. They have been playing football all afternoon. (Action started in the past, ongoing in the present)
  3. He has been working at the company since 2010. (Action started in the past, ongoing in the present)

Present Perfect Tense:

  1. She has studied for the test. (Action completed in the past with relevance to the present)
  2. They have walked to school every day. (Action completed in the past with relevance to the present)
  3. He has eaten breakfast already. (Action completed in the past with relevance to the present)

In these examples, the present perfect continuous tense is used to indicate actions that started in the past, are ongoing in the present, and may continue into the future. On the other hand, the present perfect tense is used to describe actions that were completed in the past and have a connection to the present.

Here are some exercises and activities for practicing the present perfect continuous tense and the present perfect tense in class:

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in either the present perfect continuous tense or the present perfect tense.

  1. She _____ (wait) for the bus for thirty minutes.
  2. They _____ (play) basketball since 3 o’clock.
  3. He _____ (study) French all week.
  4. _____ (read) this book for two hours.
  5. We _____ (live) in this city for five years.
  6. The children _____ (play) outside all day.
  7. She _____ (learn) Spanish for a long time.
  8. They _____ (clean) the house since morning.

Exercise 2: Sentence Transformation

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences in either the present perfect continuous tense or the present perfect tense.

  1. She studies for the test.
    She __________ for the test.
  2. They walk to school every day.
    They __________ to school every day.
  3. He has cooked dinner.
    He __________ dinner.

Exercise 3: Create Your Own Sentences

Instructions: Create your own sentences using both the present perfect continuous tense and the present perfect tense. Be ready to share and discuss your sentences with the class.

These exercises and activities will help students practice and differentiate between the present perfect continuous tense and the present perfect tense in various contexts. It’s important to provide opportunities for students to apply these tenses in different sentence structures to reinforce their understanding.

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