Understanding Interrogative Sentences

Understanding Interrogative Sentences What are Interrogative Sentences? Interrogative sentences are a type of sentence that asks a question. They usually begin with words like “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” or “how.” These sentences are used to gather information or seek clarification. Types of Interrogative Sentences Punctuation in Interrogative Sentences Interrogative sentences end with a question…

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American English Punctuation

Hello Students, Today we’re going to focus on American English punctuation. Are you ready? Let’s begin. Directions 1: Watch the following two punctuation videos and take notes. Directions 2: Now we’re going to read a lesson on punctuation marks and take a quiz at the end. Please click here to access the lesson: https://www.englishclub.com/writing/punctuation.htm

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Simple Future Tense

Understanding the Simple Future Tense What is the Simple Future Tense? In the English language, the simple future tense is used to describe actions that will happen in the future. Whether it’s something that will occur tomorrow, next week, or even in a year, the simple future tense helps us convey these upcoming events. By…

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Week 2 Assignments: ESLA 001 ESL Learning Center – Spring, 2022

Friday, January 28th, 2022 — 5PM to 9PM — Instructor: I.E. Sersea aka Maestro Sersea Lesson Outline Describe and Discuss: Images/Quotes/Analogies Powerpoint: #2 Fix the Sentence PowerPoint: #9-12 and #13-16 Dialogues 3: https://americanenglishconversation.online/2021/05/26/american-english-conversations-lesson-3/ Dialogues 4: https://americanenglishconversation.online/2021/05/26/american-english-conversations-lesson-4/ Fry Sight Words Vocabulary 2: https://americanenglishvocabulary.com/2022/01/05/lesson-36-fry-sight-words-1st-hundred-part-2/ VOA Beginning Lesson 3: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2020/12/26/beginning-english-video-lessons-week-3-of-52/ VOA Beginning Lesson 4: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2020/12/26/beginning-english-video-lessons-week-4-of-52/ Famous People, Places,…

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