Exploring Irregular Verbs

Exploring Irregular Verbs

Welcome to the exciting world of irregular verbs! In this chapter, we will dive deep into what irregular verbs are, how they differ from regular verbs, and some common examples to help you master them.

What are Irregular Verbs?

Verbs are words that show action or a state of being. Regular verbs follow a predictable pattern when conjugated into different tenses. However, irregular verbs do not follow this pattern and change in unique ways. This can make them a bit tricky to learn, but with practice, you’ll become a pro!

Past Tense Changes

One of the key characteristics of irregular verbs is how they change in the past tense. Unlike regular verbs that often just add “-ed” to form the past tense, irregular verbs change in different ways. For example, the verb “go” becomes “went” in the past tense instead of “goed.”

Common Irregular Verbs

Let’s take a look at some common irregular verbs and their past tense forms:

  1. be: I am, You are, He/She/It is
  2. have: I have, You have, He/She/It has
  3. do: I do, You do, He/She/It does
  4. go: I go, You go, He/She/It goes
  5. eat: I eat, You eat, He/She/It eats

Using Irregular Verbs in Sentences

Now that you know some irregular verbs, it’s time to see them in action! Let’s practice using these verbs in sentences:

  1. Yesterday, she went to the store.
  2. They have a dog named Max.
  3. He always eats breakfast before school.

More Irregular Verbs to Explore

There are many more irregular verbs to discover. Here are a few additional examples to expand your knowledge:

  1. see: I see, You see, He/She/It sees
  2. run: I run, You run, He/She/It runs
  3. take: I take, You take, He/She/It takes

Mastering Irregular Verbs

Practice makes perfect when it comes to mastering irregular verbs. Try creating your own sentences using irregular verbs in different tenses. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with these unique verbs.


In summary, irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the typical pattern of regular verbs when conjugated. They change in unique ways, especially in the past tense. By familiarizing yourself with common irregular verbs and practicing using them in sentences, you’ll soon become an expert in using these special verbs.

Keep up the great work in exploring the world of irregular verbs!

Here is a list of irregular verbs for you:

  1. be: I am, You are, He/She/It is
  2. have: I have, You have, He/She/It has
  3. do: I do, You do, He/She/It does
  4. go: I go, You go, He/She/It goes
  5. eat: I eat, You eat, He/She/It eats
  6. see: I see, You see, He/She/It sees
  7. run: I run, You run, He/She/It runs
  8. take: I take, You take, He/She/It takes
  9. write: I write, You write, He/She/It writes
  10. drink: I drink, You drink, He/She/It drinks

These are just a few examples of irregular verbs. Each of these verbs changes in unique ways when used in different tenses. Feel free to explore more irregular verbs and practice using them in sentences to become more familiar with their patterns.

Here are some sentences using some of the irregular verbs provided:

  1. be:
    • She is a talented musician.
    • They are going to the park.
    • It is raining outside.
  2. have:
    • have a new book to read.
    • He has a big smile on his face.
    • She has three brothers and two sisters.
  3. do:
    • I always do my homework before dinner.
    • You do a great job on your projects.
    • He does his chores without being asked.
  4. go:
    • We go to the beach every summer.
    • She goes to dance class on Saturdays.
    • They go for a walk in the evenings.
  5. eat:
    • eat breakfast every morning.
    • He eats sushi for lunch.
    • She eats dinner with her family.

Feel free to create more sentences using these irregular verbs to practice and reinforce your understanding of how they change in different contexts.

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