Parts of Speech: Verbs

Hello Students, Today we’re going to learn about VERBS which identify actions and states of being. Directions 1: Watch the following videos about verbs: Directions 2: Please read the following short lesson on VERBS and take the quiz at the end. Click here:

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Parts of Speech: Nouns

Hello Students, Today we’re going to learn about NOUNS, a part of speech that names people, places, things, or ideas. Directions 1: Watch the following video to learn more about NOUNS: Directions 2: Read the following lesson on nouns, click on the links for more details, and don’t forget to complete the 2 noun quizzes…

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American English Punctuation

Hello Students, Today we’re going to focus on American English punctuation. Are you ready? Let’s begin. Directions 1: Watch the following two punctuation videos and take notes. Directions 2: Now we’re going to read a lesson on punctuation marks and take a quiz at the end. Please click here to access the lesson:

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