American English Pronunciation

Step 1: Please watch the following video several times and pronounce together with the speaker in the video.

Step 2: Try to watch each of the following 2-minute videos 2-3 times and pronounce along with them. Click on the links below.

Here are links to American English Pronunciation video mini-lessons compliments of VOA:

Lesson 1: How to Pronounce the Sound /p/ and /b/

Lesson 2: How to Pronounce the Sound /er/

Lesson 3: How to Pronounce the Sound /w/

Lesson 4: How to Pronounce the Sound /r/

Lesson 5: How to Pronounce /f/ and /v/

Lesson 6: How to Pronounce /ch/ and /j/

Lesson 7: How to Pronounce: To, Too, Two

Lesson 8: How to Pronounce: Vowel Sounds

Lesson 9: How to Pronounce: /i/ Sound

Lesson 10: How to Pronounce: /I/ Sound

Lesson 11: How to Pronounce: /i/ and /I/

Lesson 12: How to Pronounce: / eɪ/

Lesson 13: How to Pronounce: /ɛ/ As in Technology

Lesson 14: How to Pronounce: Difference between / eɪ/ and /ɛ/

Lesson 15: How to Pronounce: /æ/ A Relaxed Sound

Lesson 16: How to Pronounce: /ɑ/ The Sound of Modern Jobs

Lesson 17: How to Pronounce: /ɛ/ versus / æ/

Lesson 18: How to Pronounce: /ə/ (or /ʌ/) a fun sound

Lesson 19: How to Pronounce: /ɔ/: A lawful sound

Lesson 20: How to Pronounce: /ɔ/ vs. /ə/

Lesson 21: How to Pronounce: /oʊ/ a travelling sound

Lesson 22: How to Pronounce: /ʊ/: the sound of modal verbs

Lesson 23: How to Pronounce: /u/ as in school

Lesson 24: How to Pronounce: /ʊ/ vs. / u/

Lesson 25: How to Pronounce: /ər/ as in bird

Lesson 26: How to Pronounce: /aɪ/ as in Time

Lesson 27: How to Pronounce: /aʊ/ as in house

Lesson 28: How to Pronounce: /oɪ/ as in boy

Lesson 29: How to Pronounce: Difficult Vowel Sounds /I/ and /i/

Lesson 30: How to Pronounce: Difficult Vowel Sounds /ɛ/ and / æ/

Lesson 31: How to Pronounce: / ə/, /ɑ/, /ɔ/, and /ou/ sounds – Part One

Lesson 32: How to Pronounce: /ə/, /ɑ/, /ɔ/, and /ou/ sounds – Part Two

Lesson 33: How to Pronounce: / ə/, /ɑ/, /ɔ/, and /ou/ sounds – Part Three

Lesson 34: How to Pronounce: More details about /ʊ/

Lesson 35: How to Pronounce: Review of /ər/ sound

Lesson 36: How to Pronounce: Introduction to consonants – important terms and ideas

Lesson 37: How to Pronounce: Place of Articulation

Lesson 38: How to Pronounce: Sounds Made with Lips

Lesson 39: How to Pronounce: Sounds Made with the Tip of the Tongue

Lesson 40: How to Pronounce: Sounds made with the tongue and the hard palate

Lesson 41: How to Pronounce: Sounds made with the back of the tongue

Lesson 42: How to Pronounce: Replacing the /ŋ/ sound

Lesson 43: How to Pronounce: What Are Stops?

Lesson 44: How to Pronounce: Stops vs. Fricatives

Lesson 45: How to Pronounce: What Are Affricates?

Lesson 46: How to Pronounce: What Are Nasals?

Lesson 47: How to Pronounce: What is Voicing?

Lesson 48: How to Pronounce: Fricatives and Voicing

Lesson 49: How to Pronounce: Stops and Voicing

Lesson 50: How to Pronounce: Affricates and Voicing

Lesson 51: How to Pronounce: The /h/ Sound as in Hello

Lesson 52: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Arabic Speakers, Part One

Lesson 53: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Arabic Speakers, Part Two

Lesson 54: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Chinese Speakers, Part One

Lesson 55: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Chinese Speakers, Part Two

Lesson 56: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Persian Speakers

Lesson 57: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for French Speakers, Part One

Lesson 58: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for French Speakers, Part Two

Lesson 59: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Hindi, Punjabi Speakers

Lesson 60: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Korean Speakers, Part One

Lesson 61: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Korean Speakers, Part Two

Lesson 62: How to Pronounce: English Pronunciation for Spanish Speakers, Part One

Lesson 63: How to Pronounce: Common Issue for Spanish Speakers – Consonant Clusters

Lesson 64: How to Pronounce: Common Pronunciation Issues for Vietnamese Speakers

Lesson 65: How to Pronounce: The Different /t/ Sounds of American English, Part One

Lesson 66: How to Pronounce: The Different /t/ Sounds of American English, Part Two

Lesson 67: How to Pronounce: Grammatical Endings, Part One

Lesson 68: How to Pronounce: Grammatical Endings, Part Two

Lesson 69: How to Pronounce: Grammatical Endings, Part Three

Lesson 70: How to Pronounce: The /s/ and /z/ Sounds of American English, Part One

Lesson 71: How to Pronounce: The /s/ and /z/ Sounds of American English, Part Two

Lesson 72: How to Pronounce: Verbs and Nouns with the Letter S

Lesson 73: How to Pronounce: Syllable Stress – General Overview

Lesson 74: How to Pronounce: Be Careful About Syllable Stress

Lesson 75: How to Pronounce: General Ideas for Syllable Stress

Lesson 76: How to Pronounce: Word Stress

Lesson 77: How to Pronounce: Word Stress – Compound Nouns

Lesson 78: How to Pronounce: Word Stress and Adjectives

Lesson 79: How to Pronounce: Word Stress and Phrasal Verbs

Lesson 80: How to Pronounce: Word Stress and Noun Forms of Phrasal Verbs

Lesson 81: How to Pronounce: Word Stress – Numbers and Abbreviations

Lesson 82: How to Pronounce: Word Stress – Place Names in the United States

Lesson 83: How to Pronounce: Verbs in Everyday Speech

Lesson 84: How To Pronounce: Auxiliary Verbs in Everyday Speech

Lesson 85: How To Pronounce: Falling Intonation

Lesson 86: How To Pronounce: Rising Intonation

Lesson 87: How To Pronounce: Non-final intonation

Lesson 88: How to Pronounce: Series Intonation

Lesson 89: How to Pronounce: Contrastive Stress

Lesson 90: How to Pronounce: Casual Speech, Careful Pronunciation

Lesson 91: How to Pronounce: Questions in Casual Speech

Lesson 92: How to Pronounce: Modals, Negative Modal Structures in Casual Speech

Lesson 93: How to Pronounce: Internet Search Engines and American English

Lesson 94: How to Pronounce: Reducing Vowels

Lesson 95: How to Pronounce: Nouns, Pronouns in Everyday Speech

Lesson 96: How to Pronounce: Casual Speech with ‘of’

Lesson 97: How to Pronounce: Same Spelling, Different Meaning, Part 1

Lesson 98: How to Pronounce: Same Spelling, Different Pronunciation, Part 2

Lesson 99: How to Pronounce: Same Spelling, Different Pronunciation, Part 3

Lesson 100: How to Pronounce: Same Spelling, Different Pronunciation, Part 4

Lesson 101: How to Pronounce: Same Spelling, Different Pronunciation, Part 5

Lesson 102: How to Pronounce: Shadowing

Lesson 103: How to Pronounce: Slow Speech

Lesson 104: How to Pronounce: Acceleration

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