Reading Comprehension

Part 1: Read about 30 different character traits to improve your reading and listening comprehension skills.

  1. Respectful Character
  2. Responsible Character
  3. Self-Control
  4. Punctual
  5. Reliable
  6. Creative
  7. Optimistic
  8. Self-Motivated
  9. Persevering
  10. Honest
  11. Tolerant
  12. Courageous
  13. Resourceful
  14. Loyal
  15. Trustworthy
  16. Fair
  17. Considerate
  18. Thankful
  19. Polite
  20. Cooperative
  21. Patriotic
  22. Patient
  23. Ambitious
  24. Gracious
  25. Sympathetic
  26. Generous
  27. Kind
  28. Joyful
  29. Cheerful
  30. Thrifty

Part 2: Read and listen to the following stories and answer the multiple-choice questions.

  1. John’s Pursuit of Success in America: Creative Stories #1
  2. Valery’s Life in the USA: Creative Stories #2
  3. Jose and the American Dream: Creative Stories #3
  4. Maria and her Dream of Becoming an Entrepreneur in the USA: Creative Stories #4
  5. Louis’ Road to Recovery and Professional Success in the USA: Creative Stories #5
  6. Fabiola’s Academic and Professional Success Story: Creative Stories #6
  7. Huda’s Success Story in the USA: Creative Stories #7
  8. Emre’s Story of Success in the USA: Creative Stories #8
  9. Linda and Nelson’s Success in the USA: Creative Stories #9
  10. Pedro’s Professional Success in the USA: Creative Stories #10

Part 3: Read and listen to the following articles about how to understand what you read much better.

  1. Article: The Importance of Reading Comprehension Skills
  2. Article: American English Reading Comprehension Skills
  3. What Are the Most Important Reading Comprehension Skills?
  4. Summarizing
  5. Sequencing
  6. Finding the Main Idea
  7. Finding Supporting Details
  8. Distinguishing between Fact and Opinion
  9. Drawing Conclusions
  10. Comparing and Contrasting
  11. Inferencing
  12. Reading Comprehension: Read for Detail
  13. Reading Comprehension: Sequence of Events
  14. Reading Comprehension: Main Idea and Details
  15. Reading Comprehension: Summarize
  16. Reading Comprehension: Cause and Effect
  17. Reading Comprehension: Compare and Contrast
  18. Reading Comprehension: Make Inferences
  19. Reading Comprehension: Draw Conclusions
  20. Reading Comprehension: Fact and Opinion
  21. Reading Comprehension: Identify Author’s Purpose
  22. Reading Comprehension: Analyze Character
  23. Reading Comprehension: Analyze Setting
  24. Reading Comprehension: Analyze Plot
  25. Reading Comprehension: Analyze Theme
  26. Reading Comprehension: Analyze
  27. Reading Comprehension: Synthesize
  28. Reading Comprehension: Make Predictions
  29. Reading Comprehension: Identify Point of View
  30. Reading Comprehension: Identify Persuasion and Propaganda
  31. Reading Comprehension: Evaluate Sources and Evidence
  32. Reading Comprehension: Evaluate Author’s Viewpoint
  33. Reading Comprehension: Evaluate Author’s Purpose
  34. Reading Comprehension: Support Judgments
  35. Reading Comprehension: Support Generalizations
  36. Reading Comprehension: Evaluate Literary Merit
  37. Reading Comprehension: Read Instructions
  38. Reading Comprehension: Read Content-Area Text
  39. Reading Comprehension: Read Graphs
  40. Reading Comprehension: Read Maps
  41. Reading Comprehension: Read Poetry
  42. Reading Comprehension: Read Drama
  43. Figurative Language: Simile and Metaphor
  44. Figurative Language: Symbolism
  45. Figurative Language: Irony
  46. Plot Device: Conflict
  47. Plot Device: Suspense
  48. Plot Device: Flashback and Foreshadowing
  49. Tone in Literature
  50. Mood in Literature
  51. Universal Theme in Literature
  52. Poetry: Rhyme and Rhyme Scheme
  53. Understanding Poetry: Poetic Devices
  54. Understanding Poetry: Free Verse and Alliteration
  55. Poetry: Poetic Devices
  56. Literary Terms: Parody
  57. Poetry: Poetic Devices 2
  58. Literary Terms: Memoir
  59. Literary Terms: Soliloquy
  60. Literary Terms: Sonnet
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