23 Days to Better English

Try to spend 2+ hours in the ESL Computer Lab each day to improve your English. Each day you come in, try to complete 1 day of activities from the list below:

Day 1

  1. American Short Stories: 3.1.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Arts and Culture: Americans Celebrate Memorial Day
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 1: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/03/04/lesson-1-23-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Rules for Writing Numbers | When to Spell Out Numbers (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 1 English spelling practice test 2 English listening practice test 1 English listening practice test 2

Day 2

  1. American Short Stories: 3.2.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Arts and Culture: Hollywood’s Summer Movies: Something for Everyone
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 2: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/03/04/lesson-1-24-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Capitalization | Capitalization Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 3 English spelling practice test 4 English listening practice test 3 English listening practice test 4

Day 3

  1. American Short Stories: 3.3.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Arts and Culture: Peruvian Beef Stir-Fry is Fusion Cooking at its Best
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 3: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/03/05/lesson-1-25-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Commas | Comma Rules and Usage (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Talking about work 1 Talking about work 2 Talking about work 3 Describing people in English 1


  1. American Short Stories: 3.4.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Arts and Culture: Old Clothing Gains New Popularity at Vintage Stores
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 4: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/03/05/lesson-1-26-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Finding Nouns, Verbs, and Subjects | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Describing people in English 2 Describing people in English 3 Describing people in English 4 Describing people in English 5


  1. American Short Stories: 3.5.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles: Health and Lifestyle: Sharing our Loneliness May Help Us Feel Less Lonely
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 5: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/04/05/lesson-1-27-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Subject-Verb Agreement | Examples and Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 5 English spelling practice test 6 English listening practice test 5 English listening practice test 6


  1. American Short Stories: 3.6.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles: Health and Lifestyle: Pfizer to Sell Low-Cost Drugs to Poor Countries
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 6: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/05/31/lesson-1-28-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Semicolons | Semicolon Examples, Rules, and Usage (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 7 English spelling practice test 8 English listening practice test 7 English listening practice test 8

Day 7

  1. American Short Stories: 3.7.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles: Health and Lifestyle: Seven Tips for Growing Big Tomatoes
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 7: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/05/31/lesson-1-29-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Irregular Verbs | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: In the city (things/places) 1 In the city (things/places) 2 Allergies Professions 1


  1. American Short Stories: 3.8.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles: Health and Lifestyle: What is Monkeypox, Where Is It Spreading?
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 8: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/01/lesson-1-30-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Colons | Punctuation Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Talking about movies 1 Talking about movies 2 Talking about movies 3 Nationalities 1 (North and South America)


  1. American Short Stories: 3.9.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Education: Speakers to Class of 2022: Be ‘Bold’ and ‘Enthusiastic’
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 9: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/01/lesson-1-31-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Clauses and Phrases | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 9 English spelling practice test 10 English listening practice test 9 English listening practice test 10

DAY 10

  1. American Short Stories: 3.10.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Education: Japanese Universities Try to Prevent Espionage
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 10: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/01/lesson-1-32-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Question Marks | Question Mark Rules and Examples (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: English spelling practice test 11 English spelling practice test 12 English listening practice test 11 English listening practice test 12

DAY 11

  1. American Short Stories: 3.11.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Education: Schools that Removed Police Officers Bring Them Back
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 11: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/01/lesson-1-33-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Pronouns | Pronoun Examples and Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Nationalities 2 (Asia) Nationalities 3 (Europe I) Nationalities 4 (Europe II) Nationalities 5 (Africa)

DAY 12

  1. American Short Stories: 3.12.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles – Education: Professors: Students Unprepared for Math after Pandemic
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 12: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/08/lesson-1-34-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Parentheses and Brackets | Punctuation Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Bicycle parts Driving 1 Driving 2 Restaurant (For customers and staff) 1 Days of the week Months of the year

DAY 13

  1. American Short Stories: 3.13.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — Science and Technology: Study: Octopus Ancestors Lived Before Dinosaurs (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 13: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/08/lesson-1-35-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Who vs. Whom | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Restaurant (For customers and staff) 2 Restaurant (For customers and staff) 3 Cleaning the house 1 Cleaning the house 2

DAY 14

  1. American Short Stories: 3.14.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — Science and Technology: Major Japanese Railway Now Powered Only by Renewable Energy (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 14: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/18/lesson-1-36-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Apostrophes | Apostrophe Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Traveling/Planning a trip 1 Traveling/Planning a trip 2 Traveling/Planning a trip 3 Traveling/Planning a trip 4

DAY 15

  1. American Short Stories: 3.15.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — Science and Technology: After Wildfires, Burned Trees Could Hurt Water Supplies (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 15: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-37-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Whoever vs. Whomever | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Doctor Teacher

DAY 16

  1. American Short Stories: 3.16.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — Science and Technology: Study: Drought in US West Is Worst in 1,200 Years (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 16: http://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-38-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Hyphens | Hyphen Rules and Examples | Hyphen Usage (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Bank teller Bartender Antonyms 1 Antonyms 2

DAY 17

  1. American Short Stories: 3.17.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — National Parks: Life in Death Valley National Park (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 17: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-39-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Who, That, Which | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Family members 1 Housework and household chores 1 Around the house 1 Around the house 2

DAY 18

  1. American Short Stories: 3.18.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — National Parks: An Underground World: Carlsbad Caverns National Park (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 18: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-40-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Adjectives and Adverbs | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Around the bedroom/sleeping 1 Around the bedroom/sleeping 2 Emotions & Feelings 1 Emotions & Feelings 2

DAY 19

  1. American Short Stories: 3.19.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — National Parks: Desert Diversity at Joshua Tree National Park (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 19: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-41-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Dashes | Em Dash | En Dash | Punctuation Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Musician Lawyer Bus driver Scientist

DAY 20

  1. American Short Stories: 3.20.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — American Presidents: George Washington: Reluctant (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 20: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-42-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Ellipses | Ellipsis | Punctuation Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Emotions & Feelings 3 Emotions & Feelings 4 Emotions & Feelings 5

DAY 21

  1. American Short Stories: 3.21.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — American Presidents: Thomas Jefferson: Complex (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 21: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-43-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. Small-Group Discussion
  5. GrammarBook.com: Prepositions | Grammar Rules (grammarbook.com)
  6. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: TV/ Radio Talking about TV shows Doctor/Illness 1

DAY 22

  1. American Short Stories: 3.22.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln: Martyr (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 22: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-44-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Quotation Marks | Rules and Examples (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Doctor/Illness 2 Doctor/Illness 3 Pharmacist

DAY 23

  1. American Short Stories: 3.23.2: Year 3 American English Lessons with Maestro Sersea – USA English Academy
  2. VOA News Articles — American Presidents: Ronald Reagan: Communicator (voanews.com)
  3. Dialogues and Discussion Topics 23: https://usaenglish.club/blog/2021/06/19/lesson-1-45-3-american-english-lessons-with-maestro-sersea/
  4. GrammarBook.com: Exclamation Points | Exclamation Marks | Punctuation Rules (grammarbook.com)
  5. Quizzes and Activities from Learn English Feel Good: Construction worker Homonyms/Homophones 1 Homonyms/Homophones 2
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